Get in the best shape of your life, for the rest of your life - with the help of my nutrition coaching. It’s time to improve your health, and say goodbye to dieting forever.
If you are looking to improve your eating habits but not sure where to start, this is where Lisa steps in as a PN nutrition certified coach to assist. Whether you want to be your ideal weight, have more energy, improve your health or be in the best shape of your life, knowing how to eat right is essential for your success.
Learn the skills and be supported all the way while you take control of your life and become the best version of you.
Nutrition coaching has positive lifestyle benefits for everyone, particularly if you:
Struggle to maintain a healthy approach to food
Are not feeling or eating in a way that makes you feel your best
Riding the roller coaster of dieting - start diet, finish diet, then start another one
Are a regular exerciser and can’t get the results you want
Live a busy and stressful life
if you are ready for change, nutrition coaching will:
Support you to stay consistent while enjoying life. Fad diets or restrictive eating plans have no place here. In fact, Lisa’s belief is that diets don’t work and are harmful to both your physical and mental well being
Teach you nutrition practices that fit your goal and lifestyle. Realistic, supportive behavioural changes that guarantee you success
Get you results that improve your health, body composition and energy levels
Give you feedback, encouragement and support with your nutrition, and keep you accountable
nutrition coaching will assist with:
Giving you the right information on how to improve your nutrition. You need to know the rules of good nutrition, you need to know what to eat, how much to eat, and how to eat it
Helping you improve your preparation to ensure you will have the right foods ready at the right times
Creating sustainable healthy eating habits
Replacing unwanted habits such as intense food cravings, emotional eating, or feeling out of control when you eat with effective, helpful strategies
Enjoying mindful eating
Nourishing yourself with a variety of whole foods
It is when you change your mindset, you change your life. You create long term sustainable success.
Habit based nutrition coaching is about making a lifestyle change that can be sustained long term.
A person who makes a successful lifestyle change, consistently makes decisions that are in line with their goals.
They enjoy a positive relationship with food, are able to moderate their intake based on their health and physical activity levels and make choices that enable them to feel and perform at their best.
Creating sustainable healthy habits takes conscious effort and action and Lisa is ready to support you on this journey.
If you are ready to get started please contact Lisa now